Hi Kindergarten Families!
I hope you have all had a great week! We have been very busy in kindergarten this week. We started wondering and learning about animals in the winter and how they prepare for the colder months. This week we learned about migration and the animals in Calgary that migrate to a warmer climate. Students enjoyed going outside and watching Canadian Geese flying in a V and talking about how they were flying south to warmer weather and more food. Students created a mural with the theme of migration and learned how to draw geese in their visual journals. Our class poem this week is about geese and how they know it is time to move to a warmer climate. Don't forget to ask you student to share it with you!
We continued to work on the alphabet and the sounds the different letters make. We also started talking about how words have syllables (parts of a word) and breaking the different parts down through clapping. Ask you student to count the syllables in the words bird, feather and migration. See what they can do!
In math, students are working on counting and making groups of given numbers. We built numbers with ten frames and practiced counting forward and backward from 10 during group movement breaks.
We were very lucky this week and got to go and visit another class in our school and share our learning around gathering in a circle. Students were so pleased to share their knowledge and to make some new friends in Ms. M's class. We plan to get together again soon and continue to grow our knowledge of circle and community together.
Next week we will continue to learn about how animals get ready for the winter. Hopefully the weather will warm up a bit so we can go outside and look for our next animal in the school yard.
Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week!
Seana Blake